Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday Evening Walk

I almost did not go for a walk this evening. I know I should be doing this on a daily basis. I do need to get back into shape again. When I got home I sat myself into my office desk chair and began to sink down into it. Watched a couple of videos online and it almost got to the point to where I was going to say, "Oh well, I'll just go for a walk tomorrow. It's too late now." I did say "almost" because right before that moment my inner thoughts smacked my brain and told it, "No! Get off your butt and go out there!" Without hesitating I put on my shorts, grabbed my sneakers and grabbed my camera. I also want to try out the 24mm lens I received earlier this week.

When I got to the front of the garage I looked out to see if it was going to rain since it started to sprinkle as I got home from work. At this point the weather seemed fair. It's cloudy but no visible sign of water falling from the sky.

The goal is to walk close to two miles around our housing development. Since it was getting late I wasn't sure of going off road onto the dirt road. At this time of the day I expect the annoying little bugs to be buzzing around. I picked a new course and began my little adventure. A quarter of the way into the walk I came across a big fuzzy bee collecting pollen from a wild flowery plant. Since the camera had a fixed lens on it I couldn't zoom in so I tried to get as close as possible but at the same time I didn't want to get too close to where the bee would fly away. Unfortunately only one picture came out somewhat decent.

About half way through the walk I come up to a sidewalk with a wall running along next to it. Underneath the top edge there was this strange thing hanging from it. I have a feeling it's form some sort of insect where it's babies hatched from those holes and moved on. I've seen one similar to this the other day but never got a chance to get a closer look.

Moving along I then came across a beetle casually walking along the side of the wall. It seemed confused as it wasn't sure in which direction to go to and pretty much stayed in one spot. This guy was easy to photograph since it moved extremely slow.

Near the end of the walk I saw this plants and flowers on the corner of our development block. I had a feeling this would be a good spot to take some pictures of the flowers with the sun setting in the background. I feel it was an excellent choice. It's true of the saying, "Go with your gut." The one thing I forgot to do was mount a filter on the lens. Oh, well. Next time!

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